Ep. 76: My Body, My Anxiety

Anxiety is the new black. And we’re basically in mourning. Are we all feeling more anxious lately? Is it from some pandemic letdown? Are we just more aware of it in the culture and so we notice it more than before? No clue. We have no answers, but let’s talk about it!

We mention EMDR and now we know what it stands for: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing - yeah, we would never have guessed that.

Divorce - let us celebrate this brave decision! We’re not saying it’s easy but maybe it can be something we respect as a hopeful, sound choice. And when you think about it, aren’t lifetime partners kinda the weirder option here? The rarer possibility? The unicorn?

Are we all watching Black Bird? Yes.

Body Image Issues for us Gen X / Millennial kids constantly consuming our minds with size, weight, calories, comparison, the forever quest for a “good body” - how did we get like this and can we evolve past these dumb, limiting ideas? Can we truly see past our looks and find self satisfaction? And what do we say to our kids when these things come up?

Things We’re Loving:

Burritos and Hot Sauce - slight obsession happening for Vicki rn

Mean Baby: A Memoir of Growing Up by Selma Blair (audiobook)

All of This: A Memoir of Death and Desire by Rebecca Wolf


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Vicki HenryComment